Monday, August 14, 2006

I'll be attending a court

This morning, I'll be attending a trial for my recklessness in 27th July 2006, violated the traffic law, ignored the white paint in the road ( Indonesian: marka, English: mark?) which order me to turn right instead of go straight.

The policeman take my driver license and I had to go to the court this morning, 15th August 2006. Luckily, the Tilang ( Tilang is an abbreviated form of Bukti Pelanggaran [ Proof of Violation ] ) can be used as replacement of my driver license until I'm executed.

Some Indonesian may be tempted to call me a fool, prefer following the legal code to bribing the cops (as you may have heard, mostly traffic violator bribe the cops instead of pay the fine).

But I don't care.
If I defame myself by allowing me to be drifted in the stream of corruption, then there won't be any hope for me to contribute in fighting corruption which has take Indonesian to the edge of the cliff.

Wish me luck.
I'll have to pay approximately Rp 56, 000 (about US$ 5).


Ramot said...

sip sip! huhu :D

kunderemp said...

I'm failed... huuuuuu....
I'm trapped in the yet-another-illegal-man-in-the-middle trick (calo).

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