Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Kecewa nonton Ong Bak 2 (Bajakan)

Penasaran karena melihat tulisan di

aku akhirnya mencari bajakannya di internet dan mendapat dengan resolusi sangat rendah, kontras yang sangat rendah, dan layar yang di-crop sehingga tidak bisa melihat bagian atas dan bawah. Lebih parah lagi, tidak ada subtitle pula. Aih.. Aih.. Aih.. Akhirnya main loncat-loncat mencari bagian aksinya.

Aku sepakat dengan Rnanakul dari imdb:

His over directing really takes away from this experience. The directing didn't allow me to enjoy his acrobatic leaps and kicks, which is the fun of action movies. Tony Jaa's vision was to create a movie that combines martial arts from around the world to create an ultimate fighter. The way they present the scenes make all the different styles distinct. Tiang explicitly switches from one style to another, and every time he does, the directing makes it apparent. As a result, the action feels very forced. Tony Jaa, although very good at his new styles, he seems very uncomfortable when using different styles that are not Muay Thai. The best action sequences, and the times he feels the most comfortable, are when he is using Muay Thai. As a martial artist who has studied martial arts from around the world also, I combine these different arts into my own style. As a result, what I do feels natural to me and looks natural in the way I fight. In separating all the fighting styles, it took away from showing off Tony Jaa's true skill, made the movie feel a little forced. They are all still amazing sequences and he a great martial artist but it could have been better with a different approach.

Selain itu, mungkin juga karena pengaruh bahwa layarnya terpotong di versi bajakan yang kutonton, aku tidak menyukai shot-nya. Di film Ong Bak yang pertama, kamera yang dipakai biasanya cuma satu dan mengambil long-shot dan jarang berpindah shot. Di film Ong Bak 2, close-up beberapa kali dipakai dalam pertarungan dan cepat berpindah-pindah shot walaupun masih dalam pertarungan melawan orang yang sama dan dalam waktu singkat sehingga terasa loncat-loncat.

Tetapi seandainya DVD originalnya sudah muncul dan disewakan (atau ada yang punya), aku bakal tetap nonton karena aku belum tahu ceritanya.

Untuk sementara,
saya masih menunggu debut Iko Uwais mempromosikan Silat Harimau lewat filmnya: Merantau. Behind the scene-nya bisa dilihat di: