Sunday, March 29, 2009

Story of "Fictional XiangFei" ( a.k.a Yiparhan a.k.a Ipar Khan) in Wikipedia

In August 2005, I add "Fictional Stories" in Princess Fragrance (now the entry titled "Fragrant Concubine".

The spell was corrected on September 2005.

The fact was lost when Highshines edited on 19 November 2006. It was added again by Lowellian in June 2007.

What is the moral of the story?
1. Do not afraid how poor your english is when you edit wikipedia. Somebody else will correct you.

2. Do not expect your writing will be in Wikipedia forever.

3. If what you wrote was important or at least relevant but it was lost due other's negligence, somebody will put it back again.