Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lisensi Oracle Express versus Biasa?

Iang a.k.a Fajran pernah menulis isu ini di

Nah, di lisensi OTN (Oracle Technology Network) yang biasa:

We grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to use the programs only for the purpose of developing, testing, prototyping and demonstrating your application, and not for any other purpose. If you use the application you develop under this license for any internal data processing or for any commercial or production purposes, or you want to use the programs for any purpose other than as permitted under this agreement, you must obtain a production release version of the program by contacting us or an Oracle reseller to obtain the appropriate license. You acknowledge that we may not produce a production release version of the program and any development efforts undertaken by you are at your own risk. We may audit your use of the programs. Program documentation, if available, may accessed online at http://otn.oracle.com/docs.

Nah, berarti itu lisensi tersebut kan cuma buat purwarupa, demonstrasi dan pengembangan, kan?

Sementara lisensi Express berbunyi:
We grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable limited license to use the programs for: (a) purposes of developing, prototyping and running your applications for your own internal data processing operations; (b) you may also distribute the programs with your applications; (c) you may use the programs to provide third party demonstrations and training; and d) you may copy and distribute the programs to your licensees provided that each such licensee agrees to the terms of this Agreement. You are not permitted to use the programs for any purpose other than as permitted under this Agreement. Program documentation is either shipped with the programs, or documentation may accessed online at http://www.oracle.com/technology/documentation.

Hmm.. Berarti boleh menyertakan Express edition untuk dijual ke pembeli dong?
Koreksi bila aku salah..

Iyaaah.. aku tahu, ada pembatasan untuk Express Edition:
Any use of the Oracle Database Express Edition is subject to the following limitations;
1. Express Edition is limited to a single instance on any server;
2. Express Edition may be installed on a multiple CPU server, but may only be executed on one processor in any server;
3. Express Edition may only be used to support up to 4GB of user data (not including Express Edition system data);
4. Express Edition may use up to 1 GB RAM of available memory.


Unknown said...

kontak aja si oraclenya. ato tanya fajar 2003 xD

Harry Sufehmi said...

jadi ingat kawan, dia cerita bahwa kawannya sukses meng hack MS SQL Desktop Edition, sehingga semua limitasinya hilang. Yep, MSDE jadi seperti MS SQL Enterprise, he he ;)