Simple Flow Chart on How Muslim Interpreted Sharia Law
There is misconception among a lot of people, both Muslim and non-Muslims, that when Sharia was something to be taken directly from Quran.
It wasn't that simply. An interpretation of sharia should be accepted by the state, either became a canon law declared by head of government or a court statement by judge (qadi).
Even for sola scriptura people or known as Quraniyyun, they need to considered several thing before interpreted The Quran.
Most Muslim communities draw sharia from three source:
1. Quran;
2. Sunna (Prophet tradition);
3. Ijtihad (Thought);
Fatwa is the result of ijtihad but it did not bind until it is accepted by the state. You should not assassinate someone just because some scholar published fatwa against something.
The following flowchart diagram is simplification of how Islamic law is applied in Muslim Community.
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