Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Discussion with Some People in United States Prior to Obama's Victory Moment

I only write my answer to them. They asked the same questioned, "which one do you like from 2008 US candidate? Obama or McCain?"

To Santo Dominican grandma (who have dual citizenship) a months ago:
"Actually, whoever win won't affect Indonesia. But I believe, the elected presiden will really affect the domestic affair such as health care, tax. What matter is what will the candidate bring to American people"

To Abbysinian graduate student:
"Both of them will be the same in foreign affair. Obama prefer defends Israel. Even if McCain get elected, soon or later, the soldier in Iraq will be retracted, it is only a matter of time. But there is one thing I respect from Obama. He promise to be available to negotiate even to Iran. That's a quality needed for US president today"

To a United States citizen:
"Whoever win won't affect Indonesia. But I prefer Obama. There were something I like from him although I disagree with some of his opinion".

To United States citizen, Nepalese, Srilanka, and Serbians:
"I try to remember what I do when I was 10 years old, and the only thing I remember is I didn't take religious seriously. We came to mosque and play. I believe, if Obama came to mosque in Jakarta, he would do the same thing as I did, play. "
(this is actually a respond from me when we discuss about rumours about Obama)

congratulate to Obama and we look forward for the new face of America
