Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Gamelan di Episode Terakhir Battlestar Galactica

Gara-gara gak sengaja menemukan blog-nya Bear McCreary waktu googling

Uniknya, kata 'gamelan disebut-sebut'.

Episode terakhir dipecah dua tetapi aku membicarakan bagian yang kedua saja.
Ada tiga kali gamelan disebut dalam artikelnya yakni

1. adegan Gaius Balthar berpisah dengan pengikut-pengikutnya

The Baltar Religious Theme accompanies plays in the gamelan as he frees himself from Paula and his followers. This theme has come to represent the better side of his personality.

Dan memang suara instrumennya mirip suara Bonang

2. adegan ketika Balthar dan Caprica versi khayal muncul bersamaan di depan Balthar dan Caprica

… and the reversed bells and gamelans of the Head Baltar Theme, featured most recently in Six of One when Baltar talks to himself.

Aku gak nangkap sama sekali di bagian ini.

3. adegan ketika Kara menghilang setelah sampai di Bumi
Back in the present, as Lee describes his desire to explore this new world, the strings crescendo the Lee / Kara Love Theme, but the music is suspiciously suspenseful just a second before it is revealed that Kara is now gone.
[picture here]
I hit this moment with a gamelan ensemble stating the Temple of Five Theme

Lagi-lagi aku gak menangkap bagian ini.
Tunggu.. kayaknya ada bonang sedikit... Trus kayak rebab.. eh.. atau rebab-nya Cina yah?

Ada yang nonton episode terakhir dan kupingnya lebih jeli?

Sekedar catatan dari posting Bear McCreary lain yang menjawab pertanyaan tentang gamelan.

When I’m speaking of the gamelans, I’m generally referring to a variety of gongs, bowls and bells. However, they are not a true gamelan orchestra because each has been tuned to a standard Western 12-note scale. This makes the sound a lot more useful, obviously, when trying to blend it in with a soundtrack tuned to A440 and written with standard 12-note scales.

I am working on a new project this summer (hopefully) where we will actually bring in a microtonal gamelan, which would be an exciting opportunity for me.

Tetapi jujur aja, waktu nonton Battlestar Galactica sih, yang paling terasa waktu mereka menggunakan sitar buat musik yang mempersatukan empat dari The Final Five. Cari aja di youtube dengan kata kunci "Watchtower Battlestar Bear".

Jadi pengen main gender lagi.. Satu-satunya instrumen gamelan yang bisa kumainkan.. hihihihihi