Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Ketika Penonton Sok Tahu Dalam Meresensi Film Beladiri

Reviewer A:

This is just another a fantasy eastern movie. It is very disappointing and even if you give it a try, you will end up with a crappy cheap movie which is pure fiction and uses grandmaster yip man's name and disgraces him.

Err... okay...
Aku gak merasa filmnya sebagai fantasi. Justru menurutku filmnya paling realistis dibandingkan empat film lain yang mengambil tokoh yang sama.

Masih reviewer A:
The techniques are not really WT. WT fights are not supposed to take more time as really needed. Most of the attacks are deadly and so if you don't wear some protecting gear, you will be dead within a minute or severely injured and need medical assistance.

Lho... menghina filmnya sebagai fantasi tetapi kok di bagian akhir review-nya malah percaya fantasi?

Reviewer B:
Anthony Wong is not a martial artist, and as much as the fight look OK-ish, Eric Tsang? Come on HK Film makers, you can do better than this.
 Errr... okay.... Saya tidak terlalu tahu tentang Anthony Wong kecuali dia aktor watak. Sementara saya juga tidak terlalu tahu tentang Eric Tsang kecuali wajahnya lucu menggemaskan.

Tapi menurut peresensi lain:

 Reviewer C:
 Anthony Wong is very natural as Ip Man. He looks most like the real-life version of Ip Man and actually adopts a Foshan accent. He breathes many colors into the role and the scenes with Ip Man and his students is the heart of the film. Anthony Wong is pretty much the best thing about this movie and his performance alone is the price of admission.

Eric Tsang has a great supporting role as a Crane style master who befriends Ip Man. There is a self-referential joke where Tsang says being a 'clan master' (???) is difficult, a reference to his famous television game show, that was self-serving and unnecessary. Tsang and Wong share an awesome fight together. Not a lot of people remember that Eric Tsang started out as a stuntman; the fight looks very authentic. They were really smashing their forearms together. Eric Tsang is a badass.

Dan menurut Reviewer D dari negara berbeda:
the joy here not solely being from seeing veteran martial arts actor Xiong Xin Xin show off his impressive moves, but also from how Anthony Wong's one-year training in Wing Chun has truly paid off. Of course, that is also apparent from the earlier sequences, in particular one in which Ip Man squares off in a friendly closed-door bout with rival 'White Crane' master Ng Chun (comedian Eric Tsang in a fantastic cameo that shows off his agility quite certainly honed from his former days as a stuntman).

Eric Tsang, aktor komedi yang mukanya lucu itu,
dahulu seorang stuntman, dengan kata lain, bisa berantem.

Anthony Wong, dia latihan Wing Chun 1 tahun. Ada gosip dia praktisi Monkey Fist tetapi aku belum verifikasi. Tetapi kalau sudah latihan 1 tahun, dia sudah bisa dikategorikan sebagai praktisi beladiri.

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